the uncomfortable silence..

every now and then, whether you're at a coffee with your friends or out on a date, there will come a moment when an 'uncomfortable silence' kicks in and leaves both sides blank minded!

It has the power to turn a perfectly good conversation to a crappy one regardless of how much fun the conversation might have been until it reached the "uncomfortable silence".

It can even ruin a date that you have planned for weeks!

so what is it that can be done to prevent this moment of blankness?
the answer is really simple!

you are absolutely out of things to say! and all you can think about is, "say something say something:|...damn silence!" and your date is probably waiting for you to say something....anything!

so here's my solution to this crisis. it is actually very simple.. just talk about the situation itself!

And for all you people who still have a question mark over your head, let me show you the way:

you: blank
your date: blank

you: " hehe:) the uncomfortable silence "
your date: " hehe:) yea eh?!? "

you: " don't you just hate it when this happens?!? "
your date: " exactly! "

you: " you know, i remember this one time when.....blah....blah... "

And thats how its done my friends :) cheers!

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Samahath Ibrahim said...

hmm... I actually like silence.. but yeah it'd be awkward if the other one was feeling awkward. I think.

shan said...

you think?..i know so! wait till u get urself caught in the silence on a date..hehe u'll see!:)

kaiza shozey said...

nice method to go with the silence dude. hehe. ill have to try that. i usually ask what she did that day and build up the conversation there. thought of trying ur method before too but i always felt that i can use it jes once.