*thinkin* should i or shouldnt i?

17 ~pixels~

ok! so i've planned to move outta the house..get my own apartment and start my own life...i talked with my parents (as in mom) and she's ok with it...
so here's the question...wat do u guys think about this? should i or shouldnt i?
is this a good idea or not?

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3am last nyte..

3 ~pixels~

6.6 billion people in the world...and there's just one you!
but hey! there's 1 in 6.6billion chance that i'll find u..so i'll wait.

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balaaeh! :/

12 ~pixels~

what is it with some gals thesedays huh?!? its like they enjoy getting hurt or something..they'll find one of'em badass guys and fall in love with'em..not just normal love..i'm talkin about the crazy typo love! O_o

what drives me friggin mad is the fact that..even after the guy treats her like crap, cheats on her,..says the meanest things at her,...still! she'll either run after him or give him a second chance..like what the hell~!!...dont you know that if he did it once, he'll do it again?!?!

and here's the part where i completely loose it! after i talk to them and prove them wrong, they'll come up with the cherry that goes on top of their stuuuuupid cake!.., "you wont understand...its not like how you say it is"...OKAIII! then please! make me understand! how is it like~!?~! and yet, they cant explain it...and when they come to this point...they'll drop their million dollar line! "dhen i dont know.." O_o

and to everyone who havent got the message...what i'm trying to say is,...sure! i'm your friend..but if ur gona come crying to me over dumbass senseless shit like i mentioned above,..dont think i'm gona say crap like "it's gona be alright and blah blah..." it happened to u cuz u intensionally let it happen and you know it! so just deal with it!

and now..a lil prayer "God!...please!..a girl who makes sense!..my kingdom for a girl who makes sense!"

PS - sowy for the language...

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just so you know!

5 ~pixels~

I'm not lost! Just undiscovered!

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