
i realized this about 2 or 3 years ago. i was making the usual morning coffee, mixing the combination of 3 spoons of water and coffee in top speed...and then, one of the boarding girls at my place came to the kitchen and started mixing the same 3 spoons of water and coffee, but at a speed so slow that by the time she's done, i'd be miles away from home...

and then it hit me!.."the way that a guy and a girl makes coffee relates to the way they have sex!" you see, while guys like to do it really fast, girls like to take their time while having sex...

but since i always end up defying my own theories, a few years later, i realized that the speed i make coffee now isn't that different from a girl anymore...not because i tried to change myself to do things at the same pace as a girl or anything,...but instead, i just got lazy!....LoL...

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white flower said...

hey... there are fast girl coffee makers too....


yaittey said...

fast girl coffee makers love it fast, i guess!

your theory is rele true!! nice one!! 8)

shan said...

white flower - yup true! :)

yank calibre - thanks :)

shweetikle said...

hehehe..i dunno..i never thot abt the speed i do coffee o.O
have to chek
adhi wait..olhuvaalaafa thibunanee dhen girls lazy ey dho? hoon hoon dhen emme hevey! =\

N said...

so that means... O_O

lol interesting theory dude! :P