situation, problem, question...

7 ~pixels~

lets say theres a person that you love allot and hate just as much...and though he/she pops up in your head every once in a while, its pretty much been over an year since u really thought about him/her...and then,.. the night before new year, you have an unbelievably realistic dream of you and him/her talking over the phone..after you wake up, you feel like his/her voice is still in your head...

so here's the problem...its gonna be new year tonight and you know you can totally cover this up with a fake act and your friends wouldn't even have a clue...but no one would really want that now would they ?!?

so here's the question...if you were in this situation, what would you do to escape from all of it and "really" enjoy new year with no "fakeness" attached?

pic taken from deviantart ~ link ~

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the past!

5 ~pixels~

a song i use to sing for her


pic taken from deviantart - ~link~

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memories of someone...hmm :)

4 ~pixels~

hmm....havent heard this song in a long time...and i finally heard it today..reminded me of one of the koolest gals i've met in my life...and she loves this this ones dedicated to u!

~ Download ~

pic taken from deviantart ~link~

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some songs u just dont wanna hear anymore...but no matter how depressed u'll get when u listen to them,...every once in a while..u'll just play it! to remind yourself of everything you've been u got to where u are now...and once ur done listenin, you start wondering why the fuck u did that! cuz now ur gona be all depressed...i wonder why music affect us so strongly...or maybe its just me :/ aaaaaaaah! fuck this!

image taken from deviantart : ~link~

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for the breakup'ers'

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a 'Good' song for a 'Bad' breakup!


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somebody pleeeezzz!!! save me..i'm goin nuts on this lil piece of land they call a resort!!!! bwaaaagghh O_o sleeep after doin the same stuff...wake up to the same do these ppl stay sane in resorts!!! uhh..guys..dont be surprised if i act all "duhhhh du huhhhh" after i come back on 20th...seriously!! i'm startin to have illusions! O_O freakyyy...

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for her...

2 ~pixels~

you know those moments when you know that he/she is in your head?
you wont know who it is...but still,
thinking about that person will make you calm all of a sudden...
and well..i've seen that who you ever you are! i think you should listen to this...

~ Download ~

PS - the pic is just a pic...just thought it matches the post..hehe

~image from deviant art~

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new tune..!

3 ~pixels~

came across this band a couple of months ago...
i heard their song called "thanks for the memories" recently
and it totaly rocks! so i just thought i'd share it with the rest of you :)
you can download it from the link below
~Fall Out Boy - Thanks For the Memories~

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in a kick!

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i havent been able to get this song outta my head for days...awsom song!!!! *excitement overload* O.o *faints*

Dont like the video that much though...

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sigh***...lifes too boring...i think i need to start a relationship...

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Achmed the dead Terrorist!

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You guys gotta see this!! its fukin halarious!!! I KILL YOU!

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keke..i did! oh yes i did!... :D

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work work work!

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hey been keepin me busy as hell for the past weeks..even when i'm not at work, i'm still workin...anyways i'll be getting some free time after 10 days or so...i know i know!!..its like forever! but i'm definitley gonna come up with something good for the time away ok...

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jus wonderin...

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What if Homer Simpson turns NORMAL ???

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Thankoo Everyone!

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hi everyone..sowy i havent updated ma blog in the last few days..u see..the prob is my internet cable got phukd up!..tried fixin it but couldnt..grrrrrh..anyways i'm gonna be spending alotta time at work from now i guess i'll be doing all the updating from the office.. :)

*thinking* hmm, must borrow the cam from kaiza shozey..gotta make a vid soon.

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12 ~pixels~

......hmmm.....i'd give anything for a moment like this.....its just perfect!...*wonders*......

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14 ~pixels~

ok so after the unexpected feedback i received from everyone for my video, i've decided to create a request blog.

on the blog, you can request for songs you like and i will try to play it on video and upload it within the free time i have.

so gimi a day or two ingey :) cheers!

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you and me!

24 ~pixels~

alotta people seem to like this song. so i decided to play it on video..hope u guys like it! :)

i knw i knw! i playd it too fast...and the video quality sucks!..but gimmi a break ok..hehe

if ur having trouble viewing the video, try the link below:

original link

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5 ~pixels~

i realized this about 2 or 3 years ago. i was making the usual morning coffee, mixing the combination of 3 spoons of water and coffee in top speed...and then, one of the boarding girls at my place came to the kitchen and started mixing the same 3 spoons of water and coffee, but at a speed so slow that by the time she's done, i'd be miles away from home...

and then it hit me!.."the way that a guy and a girl makes coffee relates to the way they have sex!" you see, while guys like to do it really fast, girls like to take their time while having sex...

but since i always end up defying my own theories, a few years later, i realized that the speed i make coffee now isn't that different from a girl anymore...not because i tried to change myself to do things at the same pace as a girl or anything,...but instead, i just got lazy!....LoL...

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my other side!

7 ~pixels~

i have made up my mind about it
and i have good reasons for it
reasons that can only be wrong if my eyes were blind
so i have engraved it to become apart of my beliefs
it has helped me grow....helped me to be me
became a force that prevents me from loosing myself
my beliefs!

but every now and then
there will be a moment, a person, a sentence...
that would make me question everything
put my mind in a blank state
drive me nuts

and just when i am going to do or say something i will regret,
it kicks in and rescues me
so at the end of the day, i am still me
yes you won and i suffered under your game
but i'm still standing, waiting...
and when the time is right,
i will break you!!!

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oh man!

14 ~pixels~

krrr....khhh..khahaahaaaaaaaah....tiihihihihi *puts hand on forehead*! el o el...kahahahahahaahahaaaaahh...ohh man! *takes a deep breath* hahahaha..*wipes off laughing tears*...heeeh shit man!!! :D hahaaaaah............*takes another deep breath*......................heh..


Dont bother commenting on this one...

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its by Switchfoot !! hmph..

6 ~pixels~

ok! to all you people out there who have watched the movie "A Walk to Remember"(awsome movie btw), the song "only hope" is not by Mandy Moore! its originally by the band Switchfoot (awsome band!)

A girl i know argued with me over this just because she saw Mandy Moore sing it in the movie! like hello! its a move! well pretty much THE movie if you know what i mean..hehe (A) but still this isn't about the movie! its about the song! so please, do your research ppl! Cuz some ppl take music very seriously...

And yea! i overreact when people throw false accusations at my favorite bands..hehe (A)

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Reality Anyone?!?

14 ~pixels~

We have the classic saying that guys are from Mars and girls are from Venus. Guys always complain that girls are impossible to understand and girls complain that guys are impossible to understand. But by the looks, both sexes are pretty similar and are of the same species. So what’s the problem here?

This question had me researching and reading for weeks. And I came to believe that the core of the problem is the difference in the way that guys and girls think. What it comes down to is that guys think with logic, while girls think with emotions. This seems to be the reason why a guy maybe frustrated with a girl’s sometimes irrational behavior in certain situations.

Girls aren’t very straight forward. In fact, they rarely say what they want. Instead, they use reverse psychology and goes around the bush asking the guy a series of questions till she gets the answer that she wants. However, if she does not get the answer that she wants, she’ll give the guy the “cold shoulder treatment”. Meanwhile, the guy is left clueless as to what has just happened. After which an argument usually takes place, which could have been easily avoided if the girl had just said what she really wanted.

When I asked them why they do this, most girls pretended not to know what I was talking about, or just simply replied with an “I don’t know” (I hate it when they say that!). I mean, just think about it! So many arguments can be avoided if girl just says what she’s actually thinking. But sadly, this is not how things work.

A good example is a couple out for a walk. The girl is thirsty so she says to the guy “would you like to get a drink?” the guy replies “no I’m not thirsty” and keeps going. She would then get mad over this because she didn’t get the answer that she expected, not realizing that what she said wasn’t actually what she was thinking. If she had just said “I’m thirsty, let’s get something to drink” I’m sure the guy would do just what she said without any questions.

This all leads back to the fact that girls think with their emotions, not logic. All guys aren’t psychics and some of them need everything spelled out from A to Z.

Because a girl’s behavior is affected by her emotions and her emotions are affected by her body chemistry and her body chemistry fluctuates from one month to the next, it can be expected that a girl would display such kinds of behavior that is a mystery to guys, whose body does not go through the constant monthly cycle of change.

Since this is genetically built into girls, there is nothing a guy can do but to be aware of it and try to understand it. Sorry guys! Cant help you on that one!

So my conclusion to this matter is that guys need to try harder to figure out what the girls are saying, as most of the time it’s not what they really mean. And Girls! You need to try harder to say what you really want without playing mind games with the guy, if you want the guy to do what you really want.

With all that said, whether this is possible to happen in real life is a completely different story :)

Image by ©halfpixel

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My kinda Girl!

7 ~pixels~

ukw, i was born to party! and this is definitely the kinda gal i wanna be with!

if ur having trouble viewing the video..try the link below!

original video on youtube!

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money shot!

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now thats what i call expensive photography! :D

PS - ok! i swear this is gonna be my last post about money for a long time from now (A) hehe.

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in the eyes of women...

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What she says:

It’s ok honey. Money isn’t everything in this world. As long as we are together and love each other, we can work things out and that’s all that matters!

What she’s thinking:

What! No money? You just wait and see! I’ll kill you! I’ll poison your drink! I’ll runaway with the first rich man that comes across my way!

Sure! True love exists. But these days, you have to buy it! I know every woman in denial will say this is not true. But let’s face it! In the eyes of women, men are nothing without money!

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3 ~pixels~

over the years, i have been observing how life starts and ends for alotta people. And this is what i ended up with.

  1. we are born.
  2. we are raised with all the love of our parents.
  3. we go to school and get educated.
  4. we bring home good results from the exams and make our parents happy.
  5. some of us go abroad and study some more.
  6. we get a job and start earning our own money.
  7. we find a partner and get married.
  8. the wife gets pregnant.
and in the end..we are back at point number "1" and the baby starts the same cycle...

after i thought about this, i simply refused to believe that this is the truth (and almost went mad when i realized my life has gone just according to this cycle up to the "6th" stage)

so now, everyday i live life determined to defy myself!

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the uncomfortable silence..

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every now and then, whether you're at a coffee with your friends or out on a date, there will come a moment when an 'uncomfortable silence' kicks in and leaves both sides blank minded!

It has the power to turn a perfectly good conversation to a crappy one regardless of how much fun the conversation might have been until it reached the "uncomfortable silence".

It can even ruin a date that you have planned for weeks!

so what is it that can be done to prevent this moment of blankness?
the answer is really simple!

you are absolutely out of things to say! and all you can think about is, "say something say something:|...damn silence!" and your date is probably waiting for you to say something....anything!

so here's my solution to this crisis. it is actually very simple.. just talk about the situation itself!

And for all you people who still have a question mark over your head, let me show you the way:

you: blank
your date: blank

you: " hehe:) the uncomfortable silence "
your date: " hehe:) yea eh?!? "

you: " don't you just hate it when this happens?!? "
your date: " exactly! "

you: " you know, i remember this one time when.....blah....blah... "

And thats how its done my friends :) cheers!

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parent theory

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A Player's Guide to Maldivian Families (1st edition)

The theory in this article has been put to practice before and have worked!

The author will not take any responsibility for any kind of shit that you get yourself into while practicing this!

what you need:
- guts
- concentration
- daily updates of Kasauty(hindi television series) untill the mission is complete
- and last but not the least, patience!

chapter 1: observation.
Observation is a very useful tool. if used in the right timing and manner, it can be a very powerful weapon as well!

As you step into your targeted house for the first time, try to be one of those quiet people who doesn't say much the first time they visit a house and "DO NOT CHECK OUT THE GALS THAT YOU HAVE ON TARGET!". This is a time gap that gives you the chance to let them assume what kind of person you are, or for you to show them! This is a crucial moment that doesn't last long! so you must do the following before this moment runs out.

In every house there's a group of people who i like to call "the kasauty group". And most of the time, this group turns out to be the moms of the house, who also has alot of power in what goes on inside the house.

This is the group of people you should concentrate most during this time gap. take a print of their faces into ur memory. because they are gona be the people that you talk to most during this practice.

chapter 2: Make your enemy your best friend!
said by many wise people, when you make your enemy your best friend, you are invincible!

i hate to break this to you. but the moms i mentioned in chapter one, will be your greatest enemy throughout this mission. So you must be very careful when you make your first impression infront of them. though this is a very easy task to accomplish, the smallest mistake can jeopardize the whole mission. so here is the basic idea of how you should act during this phase.

- show your interest in what they do (as in kasauty) not just by saying you like it, do it by letting them know that you know whats going on!
- answer the question only! (keep to a minimum and say only what you have to)
- unless you are asked, dont express your views on anything (this can easily lead to an argument)
- put on your innocent smiley face (parents love this!:D)
- don't stay for too long on the first day. once you've made a good first impression, find an excuse to leave the house. they will talk about you that night for sure!

i think you've pretty much got the idea by now. so lets move on!

chapter 3: agreement.
"yes i agree" the three words that satisfy them and keeps them going.

talking is somethin that moms never get tired of doing. so be a good listener and concentrate! agree on what they say! because after a certain point, they will start spilling out secrets, and talking about their daughters and their accomplishments (even if its the smallest thing, show that you are very fascinated by it. this keeps them going)

chapter 4: wonder boy!
you're almost there!

no parent likes the kinda fashion that leaves gals of today half naked! by now you must be at the point where you can talk freely with the kasauty group. so go around the bush or do whatever you do and somehow bring up this topic. let them know that you share the same views as them. they'll all think to themselves "why cant all boys be like you" what a gentleman u are and blah you have successfully reached the family trust zone! congrats! :)

chapter 5: jackpot!

so now ur almost part of the family...and there's a public event coming up. but there's no way the mom's gona send her daughter to it..sit down and talk to them!

- tell them that you know that even they were kids, and that no one but them would understand how easily kids make mistakes and go the wrong way.
- let them know that they are in charge!
- let them know that wonder boy is here now!(if you know wat i mean:p)
- convince them that they can trust you and send the gal out with you.

accomplish this step and you're done! congratulations!

chapter 6: the Point!

- i've gone through all this trouble so you can get laid in the end! if you're gonna go through all the trouble only to come back home a virgin, then don't bother reading this!

- In this article i have written only whats essential. So don't start nagging me with the "how to"s

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couple song

2 ~pixels~

One of my close buddies inspired me to write this song. I hope he comes out alive from this one :p well here goes :)

cant we sit down and talk about this..
you're wondering where have i been recently

just calm down and stare...into my eyes
trust me and you will see..

i havent been lying...
so please just stop crying
i'll make it up to you
so try to understand..

i've been hiding...myself from u
there's a side of me...
that i havent seen
but i promise you..i'm gona change
i'll make this all right ..
sumhow bring back your smile again.

come, walk with me...
we dont have to talk
the silence will tell the story
just hold my hand and you will feel
that my love for you is more than real

so baby dont stop smiling
i'll never get you crying
i'll make it up to you
so try to understand

i've been hiding...myself from u
there's a side of me...
that i havent seen
but i promise you..i'm gona change
i'll make this all right ..
sumhow bring back your smile again.

- shan -

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Makes me wonder...

0 ~pixels~

i ask god for a simple sign
not much to ask from his powers so divine
a purpose for every soul, they say god has made
not enough for my mind to start to pray

existence of this being that i have come to ask of
is god for real or are we being ripped off
a question that angers the elder so
turns their heads and orders me to go!

twenty one and still searching for proof
makes me wonder, what am i trying to prove?

- shan -

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The cutest Strawbaby!

1 ~pixels~

Everyone.., this is Mal...the cutest strawbaby on the planet! this picture of mal was taken when she was 9 months old.So what do you think everyone? cute enough to eat eh..oh! and yea...she loves cell phones..dont even try to fool her with a toy phone!..cuz she knows if its fake..

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Mariah's comic strips

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I'm a regular at Deviantart and it was around the begining of last year that i came across Mariah gallery.The characters..well, i have just one word to describe them.. AWSOM!!!Maria McMorbid & Rip McScythe are my favourite characters in her comics. Sometimes i get the feeling Rip's personality is slowly taking over mine [tee hee]...Here's one of her comic strips...
There's alot more of her awsom comic strips on her deviantart gallery.
You can view Mariah's Deviantart gallery by clicking the link below.

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